Food and Immunity with Dr Jenna Macciochi

Food and Immunity with Dr Jenna Macciochi

We asked immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochi to rustle up a couple of gut-loving recipes packed full of plant diversity, to help care for your gut microbiome and your immune system.

Jenna whipped up a batch of Stuffed Crepes with a variety of fillings from artichoke hearts (a good source of prebiotics) and lemon kefir (containing more beneficial bugs than live yogurt) to spicy kimchi and home-grown broccoli sprouts.

Alongside she added a hearty bowl of Watercress Soup, as the leafy green packs a super nutritional punch, being rich in beta-carotene (the plant form of vitamin A), vitamin C, E, K & B vitamins as well as minerals calcium, iron, potassium and iodine.

Prepare to feel hungry. Prepare to be satisfied.