Hi Imogen, could you tell us a bit about yourself?
This is a dangerous question for someone who loves to chat! So, in order to avoid telling my life story... I’ll just say I’m a dietitian with a holistic approach to wellbeing, and have recently qualified as an ayurvedic massage therapist. I trained at an elite level for middle-distance running throughout school and university, which meant I experienced a lot of physical and mental health issues that continue to shape me as a healthcare professional.
What inspired you to become a dietitian?
I had an interest in diet for sports performance due to my athletics, and from an early age I also just loved cooking and getting creative in the kitchen!
What motivated you to get involved with Symprove?
I started taking Symprove for my own gut issues as a teenager, and it was these issues that sparked my interest in the gut microbiome. I loved the company valued at Symprove and have always felt aligned with our ethos!
What’s your role at Symprove?
Educating HCPs about Symprove, how it works and how they can help their patients- and occasionally contributing to our consumer content
How does your training help you in your role?
Training as a dietitian exposes you to clinical settings, which means I have an understanding of how the hcp world works and know the challenges faced.
What do you most enjoy about your job at Symprove?
Speaking to the variety of people I do. So many different professions and interesting perspectives!
What do you see as a key skill for any dietitian?
What role does nutrition play in helping support gut health?
This answer could be huge! But in brief, nutrition can help support the diversity of the gut microbiome and maintain integrity of the gut wall.
What are emerging as the next areas of focus into studying the gut microbiome?
There is growing interest in how the gut microbiome influences so many other conditions away from the gastrointestinal tract now - including skin conditions, mental health and women's fertility to name just a few!
Jo Coates
Jo Coates is a Content and Social Media Manager at Symprove. Fuelled by Crème Eggs she’s not afraid to smash the poo taboo, dig into the latest gut health news and share her own IBS story. When she’s not planning content for the month, you’ll find her noting down poems on her phone, flouncing around the office in her colourful get ups and looking for hand models for her latest Instagram Reel.