10 Questions with... Steph Blackwell

10 Questions with... Steph Blackwell

Hi Steph, tells us about you and your work... Hello! Gosh, this feels like a big question. I’ll try to keep my answer as succinct as possible… Since the age of 17, I have struggled with both my men...
10 Questions with... Lisa Snowdon

10 Questions with... Lisa Snowdon

We asked TV presenter and Symprove lover Lisa Snowdon to share how she starts each day, plus share her tips and tricks for looking after her physical and mental health.How did you hear about Sympro...
10 Questions with… Lucy Shuker

10 Questions with… Lucy Shuker

Hi Lucy, tell us about you and your work…Hi, well I’m Lucy and I’m a T4 paraplegic as a result of a motorbike accident in 2001. I’m also a Paralympic wheelchair tennis player, which pretty much con...
Jess Parr

10 Questions with... Jessica Parr

We asked lifestyle content creator Jess Valentine to share her morning routine, how she became interested in gut health and how she supports both her mental and physical health.How did you hear abo...
#ItTakesGuts to Talk About Your Gut

#ItTakesGuts to Talk About Your Gut

At Symprove HQ we spend all day every day discussing all things guts, nothing is considered off limits or TMI. Yet in recent research of 1,000 adults, we found that 54% said they were embarrassed w...
9 Questions with... Dr Chris George

9 Questions with... Dr Chris George

We caught up with NHS doctor Chris George to find out how and where his interest in gut health started, plus delve into how he starts his day ahead of a busy clinic.What does your morning routine l...
Platinum Jubilee

Platinum Tips for Your Gut this Jubilee Weekend

Hands up if you’ve stacked your weekend with as many celebration plans as possible and are now feeling worried about the gut repercussions. Don’t panic, we’re here with three gut-friendly tips that...
Introducing Our BRAND-NEW Strawberry & Raspberry Flavour

Introducing Our BRAND-NEW Strawberry & Raspberry Flavour

Bursting with vibrant fruit flavours and billions of good bacteria for your gut This big news deserves a drumroll… We’re super excited to introduce our brand-new Strawberry & Raspberry flavour ...
Joshua Landmann

10 Questions with... Joshua Landmann

We caught up with international triathlete Josh Landmann, to find out how he starts every morning before training, whether he sips or swigs his Symprove, and his top tips for looking after both phy...